Friday, December 28, 2007
All is quiet on the homefront.....for now.
I woke up around 6:00 am on Christmas day. Eric was still sleeping. The dog realized that I was awake and belly crawled to nuzzle under my chin. Scratched him under the chin, on his shoulders and his hips. At one point I thought I saw him drool but then I recognized the was Eric. Knowing that Santa had made his usual stop at our house (cuz we were good), I was wide awake. How am I going to wake up Eric without it really looking like I woke him up. I brought in my accomplice. I asked Sargeant in a soft whisper "where's daddy?" He got all excited and jump on Eric. Oops. Sargeant bad dog ::grinning:: "Oh so sorry, honey did sargeant wake you?" Well now that you are up...Santa was here. Let's go see what he brought us. Gifts were open. Thank yous given and received. What a good day.
Now off to the future-in-laws for breakfast and more gifts. Got a Boot-E bag. Just love it. A very nice home made sweatshirt/jacket. Something to keep the chill off and a tons of practical things that no one would ever think of except my F-M-I-L. Fantastic. Then lunch. I think I was going to explode if I ate one more thing. My parents house next.
It's a good thing that our parents live about 3 miles from each other. Makes holiday travel easy. Got more gifts. Eric got a fire pit for the backyard. Can't wait to use that. Had to leave it at my parents. Didn't have room to fit it in with the rest of the loot. Am going to get it tomorrow.
Picked up our daughter at the airport in Boston yesterday. Her plane landed at 5:51 am. 5 of her friends were visiting. Very loud now gone. Done explaining.
Now off to bed for me. Been a long week.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Day O Fun
That is after my mother slaved over the stove to provide us with food. Actually she went to Little Caesar's to get pizza. Easy way to feed 9 adults, 3 teenagers and 3 gradeschoolers. Me, I had left over chicken. Cheese and I are not on the best terms lately. But it was all good anyway.
This is going to be short as I am once again at my parents for my father's 80th birthday. So all is good.
Hopefully Eric will be home soon.
Happy Holidays.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Killer Poodle
He arrive with this significant other Kelly on 12/19 and since Eric wasn't home yet, I decided to mooch a meal off my parents. Homemade Spaghetti and meatballs. Yummy. Since I worked all day, I didn't think that it would be fair for Sargeant to stay at home all by himself. I thought that he needed to get acquainted with Rosey, so off we went.
But Rosey had other ideas. Like chewing off Sargeant face. She was not a nice dog. Actually......she's a bitch, no pun intended. Seriously. She had no intention of trying to get along with Sargeant. How could she not. He is a handsome boy. Just look:
How could you not love that face. He is even all cleaned up. Good boy.
So just as we were getting ready to leave, Rosey (hence know now as "evil dog") jumped down off my brothers lap and went after Sargeant. I scolded her. Stuck my finger right in evil dogs face and told her not to do that again. I thought I saw her thinking "should I bite the finger or not?" Good thing she didn't. My brother would have one less dog. No, not really, but one can only dream.
So, that is it in a nut shell. It looks like it is going to be crazy the next few days. Apparently, since my other brothers are going to be around this weekend, we a celebrating Christmas with Steve and his family on Saturday, having my fathers birthday on Sunday, Christmas Eve celebration with friends on Monday, Christmas morning with Eric's family and then Christmas afternoon with my parents. Busy, Busy and more
Have a great Holiday Season.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....
Actually, I didn't start the Christmas cooking until 11:00 am. Woke up around 7ish but didn't get out of bed until 8. I was trying to figure out a way to fake sleep so the Guard Dog would leave me alone. Didn't work. So, I decided that if he wanted me up it was because he wanted a tubbie. I got his towels down and he knew right then and there he was in for something not fun. When he was just a pup he loved the tubbies but now he decided that he is too old to have a tubbie. Since I out weight him I can tackle him to the ground and drag him into the bathroom. Ok, it is not that bad but almost. Got him all washed up, dried and combed. He looks so good when he gets cleaned up. Even though it doesn't last long, he was back to being a good looking dog for about 3 minutes. Oh well, at least he is clean.
Now my F-S-I-L is a great bread maker. So thinking that since I went to school for cooking/baking that I might try my hand a baking some rolls. This was my first project of the day. The recipe was easy. Not complicated. No sweat. As I said before I started at 11:00 and I am just now letting the rolls cool. It is 3:00. I think I am going to stick to baking cooking, pies and cakes. Waiting for the dough to rise is like watching grass grow. It says that you have to place the dough in a warm place to rise. Here is my dilemma. There isn't a warm place in the house, unless you open the oven door to heat up the kitchen. Brr. Sometimes it is so cold here that the dog has icicles hanging from his chin. Eventually, the dough did rise. I put the dough into round rolls and baked. The recipe says that you bake for 35-40 minutes. I was a bit surprised at this but since this is a new recipe for me, I followed the directions. Most people who cook or bake a lot can tell from the smell how well things are going. So after 25 minutes I "smelled" the doneness of the rolls. I ran down the stairs and opened the oven and sure enough almost over done. Thank goodness for the nose. The nose knows. These rolls are off the work for the office Christmas Potluck lunch. (Maybe they will taste better than the Hemits)
Now I am taking a little break from the horrible mess my kitchen has become. I have about 4 more hours before the season final show of Survivor to finish the rest of my Christmas cookies. Peppermint Puffs and Thumbprint cookies are all that is left to bake. I will be done tonight, I will be done tonight. That is my mantra. All together now.....I will be done tonight. (Hopefully)
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Christmas Cooking Begins!
So the slaving over a hot stove (oven) starts today. Today was experience day as well as candy making day. I have this recipe for Hermit Cookies. I used to help make these when I was doing work study in the Cafeteria at SMTC or as it is known now SMCC. The only problem with the recipe is that its measurements are in pounds and ounces while I need cups and teaspoons. I think I did a good job in converting (with a little help from Eric). Off to the grocery store to get the necessary ingredients for all my Christmas cooking.
The first thing I started with was the Hermits. After all was said and baked....they are good for only one thing.....door stops or off to work with these ones. I think I added too much flour. OK, I know I added too much flour. Next time, less is better. I know that they taste like flour, they weight about a ton a piece, still what do I do with them? Bring them to work. We are suppose to be having our Christmas potluck on Monday. I was wondering what to bring. Now I know. Everyone will be asking "who made these bricks?" With the look of an angel, I will shrug my shoulders and say "don't know". What a brillant plan. But in the end I will let someone know that I made them and my reputation as a good baker will be ruined. Good. That's my evil plan. No one will ever ask me to make anything again. (insert evil laugh).
After the sad attempt to make Hermits, it was off to something that I knew how to do. No, Ann not chocolate pie. I know, I know, life is cruel but be brave little one, things will get better. Buttercream candies was next on the list. I have been making these for years, first with my mom and brothers, then with Samantha, and last year it was with Samantha and Eric. Many, many years of experience in making these candies. I can make these with my eyes closed. Might be a tad messy since I have to dip them in melted chocolate but I think I could do it. Anyway, got the ingredients, mixed them together, melted the chocolate and dipped. Flavors this year are mint, strawberry and lemon. Yummy. They are all tucked away for now. To be distributed at a later date.
Off to bed. I have a mile long list of cookies to make. A tired baker/cook, is not a very nice person when she doesn't get at least 8 hours of sleep. Let's just hope that they don't plow again at 2:20 am like they did Friday. How did I know what time it was? I just wish the Guard Dog wasn't doing such a good job. Why couldn't he stay Like when we first got him.

Sunday, December 9, 2007
Time to Relax
So, the next day when I went to work, I asked Dr. Courtney if I could use ibuprofen with the Celebrex. Her question was "why are you on the Celebrex?" Once again, I explained what had happened. She said make an appointment today to see me for OMT.
Now, last time I had OMT ( osteomanpulation therapy) there was a lot of snapping. That I didn't agree with. But Dr. C said that she does a "girly" OMT. So, what the hey, I made an appointment. Another perk about working there, I can schedule my own appointments. Off we went to the OMT room. Nice and quiet. No stress there. First, she had me stand so she could find my alignment which was off just a tad, not to bad. Then, she had me lay down on my back and put her hands under me. I thought "Oh no, here it comes," she is going to pull something and make me cry. To my surprise, it was pleasant. A little on the painful side but tolerable. After a few hours, I could move. WOW..........I am cured.
That was until last night. It was our office Christmas Party. Very nice night. It was held at the Marriott. Good food, good company. The music provided by the DJ was great. The karaoke was terrible but everyone was having a good time. Since I had taken it easy earlier in the day I thought I would hit the dance floor. Not to bad. I could move if I took it easy. After about 3 dances I knew I was done. If I didn't leave it would not be good. I started to say good-bye to people. At one point the CFO said why you are leaving we haven't had a dance yet, OK, one more, than that is it. Well, if you ever had seen the movie Dirty Dancing that what he was doing. I told him that he didn't want to go there because I could dance. The challenge was on. I am a little competitive. So off I go. I was great. Jennifer Grey eat your heart out. That is until my mind said "your back, remember your back." I stopped. Look at CFO guy and thanked him for the dance and went home. Got home, got in jammies, turned on electric blanket, laid on top of said blanket and read for an hour, hoping that the heat will make my back not hurt in the morning.
I am way wrong about that. This morning I am in complete ag-go-ny, agony. So I took celebrex. Will make another appointment for OMT and be back to almost normal in a few days. The price you pay to have a little fun.
Now, I am off to relax, watch a movie, and wait to talk to the future Mr. Who, by the way, was in Mississippi yesterday at 82 degrees and on his way to Texas. He was sweating. He had said that he was near the coast. I said that he should open the windows and get the cool breeze from the ocean. He said that they must have not paid the bill, no breeze. One day he was in Maine waking up to 9 degrees and now he is in the south where the temperatures are warmer. He had asked to be home for the 24th, 25th and 26th of December. Keeping everything crossed so he will be home for that.
Everyone have a good relaxing day. Go Pat's.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Christmas Tree and Stuff
In the picture from left to right is guitar player #1, guitar player #2, my sister Karen, my niece Nicole, lead singer Amy Lee, Nicole's friend Myriah, drummer, and guitar player #3. Why am I not in the picture? Someone had to take the picture. So as you can tell I am not a very big fan. The only reason I know the lead singers name is because it was easy to remember. She was really nice. As my sister said "very down to earth." Besides that the tickets were FREE and my sister needed a co-pilot. Another advantage under the belt.
Of course, I only knew one song that they played. It's not like I listen to that kind of music. Just ask Samantha she would know. Now if it was Toby Keith, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill or Taylor Swift, then I would know the words to all their songs. I listen to country. Which tortured her. Samantha always wanted to change the radio station in the car to another station besides country. I told her for years that the driver gets to decide what is listened to while driving. Didn't that one bite me in the butt when she got her permit. Now it was her turn to torture me with that head banging music. It was awful. Blood was coming out of my ears. I couldn't take it. I changed the station. I got "mom, you know that the driver decides what is played on the radio, so change it back" Damn, busted. I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Anyway time to rest. Didn't get home until 12:30 this morning so I didn't get my full 8-9 hours of beauty sleep. I am a monster when I don't get enough sleep. It's scary. Little kids run and hide that is how scary it is. Not really. Just a little scary. :) Until another time.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Christmas Tree Lighting
Nicole is the oldest at 10, then comes Tyler at 9 and last but not least (cuz he's my favorite),Connor 5. They were very excited that they got to do this. It is a once in a lifetime memory and I am glad that I was there (Fav Auntie again) to see it all. By the time I got back to the car my toes and thighs were numb from standing and waiting, all in the name and love for the family.
Family is the best thing in the world.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Turkey Day
Went to the Future-in-laws at noon and had a wonderful dinner. Turkey, mashed potatoes, squash, yams (I think), peas and another veggie I can't remember what it was. Maybe it was because I passed on it. I thought I had enough on my plate as it was. I had to save room for my future sister-in-laws homemade bread. I am not talking about the bread that you buy in a package and put in a bread machine. NO WAY. I mean, real honest to goodness, punch down the dough and let rise again, bread.
She had made a new recipe...Challa Bread. OH MY. I think I had a slice of heaven. Perfect as perfect you can get. This is now my favorite. And since Christmas is coming and she is the family bread maker and she reads my blog, maybe she will get the hint to make this again. That would be favorite future sister-in-law. The Bread Maker from heaven. What more can I say, it was the best.
Now, off to my parent's house for more turkey. At this point I am ready for a nap but there was turkey to be eaten, again. Dinner was almost ready when I got there. Gravy had to be made. Broccoli had to be cooked and the turkey still had a little time left. (I am so glad that I almost had time to digest my first meal before eating the second one.) Turkey is done. I don't know when I became the gravy maker but that is now my job. I think it is the easiest thing to make on Thanksgiving. A little flour, a little butter, salt, pepper and the dripping from the turkey and presto....gravy. All in a matter of minutes. So once again I had turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, rolls, cranberry sauce, veggies. I had a little slice of chocolate cream pie and I thought I was ready to explode. Not eating again until Christmas.
I was not the only one having two Thanksgiving dinners. Sargeant was just about turkeyed out as I was. He had lunch which is a treat for him...turkey, a little mashed tater, peas and turnip. One very happy puppy. As usual he left a present at the in-laws. Not even Christmas yet. Since he is a small dog. He only leaves small presents.
What a handsome guy. Now my in-laws shouldn't be the only one he leaves presents for...Oh no that would not do. My parent are just as special. He likes to share. Good dog.
So after the dinners off to home we go. Sargeant was the first to fall asleep. I think he was asleep even before I pulled out of the driveway. Then when we got home, he was asleep on his doggy bed in mere seconds. I wish I could fall asleep that fast. One deep breath and he was gone. Lucky. After taking care of the leftovers that I careful put into the freezer for when Eric comes home, off to bed for me.
All in all it was a good day. Having not just one family but two nothing is better than that.
Monday, November 19, 2007
What a night.
Christmas had come early for me. I was so excited. I get to see Eric. But I had to wait to see if he could drop off his load early because it wasn't due to be dropped off until 5 am today. If that was the case then he could come home for the night. Yeah. If not, then he would have to spend the night in the truck. Yuck. He would call me back. I waited and waited, then I couldn't wait any longer. So I called him.
He said he was just about to call me. Once again, I asked where are you? Wal Mart parking lot. I told him I would be right there. I picked him up. Got some dinner. Went home, ate, did laundry, Eric told a shower, (first one in two days, stinky boy, whew)talked for a little bit, went to bed, got up 5:30 am (I am not an morning person), took Eric back to the truck and off he goes again. Very brief visit. Almost to the point you want to say.....who was that masked man?
Looking good for him to be home for Thanksgiving, but not holding my breath. Keeping fingers crossed instead. Will know more later tonight. Now I am off to get ready for work.
Great to see Eric for the few hours that we had. Can't wait to talk to him tonight.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I am innocent, I swear.
As I had mentioned before, I had used the truck to attend my nephew's soccer game after a day of rain. That the parking lot was a little muddy and I drove through a puddle. Come to think of it I don't recall saying that last part about the puddle, oh well the cats out of the bag now.
I told Eric that the truck was a little dirty the last time he was home and explaining all this in my "sweetheart" voice and a look of pure innocence. He looked at me with confusion on his face. Do I believe my "tomboy" fiancee or do I just go and have a look see. "What?" Trying to pass off the innocent look again. (You know the's the one like Puss-n-Boots in the movie Shrek 2, right before he takes out his sword to start fighting.) Of course, he didn't fall for that. He said that he would look at it the next morning. Good thing I had to work.
OK, so there was some mud on the tires, in the wheel wells of all 4 tires. Mud sprayed along the front panels on both sides and a very pretty mud splat pattern a across the tailgate. But that was it. I promise. I do take credit for the everything except for the tailgate. Well maybe just a little blame for that....since I parked by a puddle that I knew people would be driving through. But what can I say, I got a sweet parking space right next the the soccer field. It was prefect. Besides I would have had to park at least 8 or 9 cars down and that just wouldn't do. No sirree bub. Me lazy. Less walking I have to do on a Sunday morning at 10:00 AM is OK by me. At least I made it to the game. It was a SUNDAY after all. So anyhoo.....
We have a friend who works at a Scrub a Dub car wash. Eric and I was discussing the "mud". I didn't think it was all that bad but Eric had a different opinion. He brought it over to the car wash (as my friend Tracy states " have Eric wash it when he comes home, all he does is sit on his butt all day anyway") and our friends sides with Eric. I was appalled. She broke the sister rule # 458 "No matter how bad it is, lie" or at least fib a little. She felt so bad for Eric that she gave him a free wash. He really was working the sympathy card. Oh, my poor truck.
Actually, he was really great about the whole thing. We just laugh about it. (It's not like I hit a mailbox with the outside mirror and took the mailbox right off the stand. Or back into a retaining wall at my parents house. Those things never took place. That is my story and I am sticking to it.) Eric has an even temper. Never once has he raised his voice to me or to anyone I know. He is a great guy. Love him to pieces.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Two Posts Back to Back.
So to keep myself a little busy while Eric is gone, I do a few things here and there. One of them was going to my newphew Tyler's last soccer game. Since I am the favorite Auntie, I thought I would be the Official Picture Taker. That was great. Eric has this feature on one of his camera that lets you take a series of pictures. All you have to do is hold down the button and off you go. I felt like a pro. Taking shot after shot. Then Tyler gets the ball and heads off to the goal. He scores. I got it all. Woo Hoo, fantastic job Auntie, your the best.
Today being a nice but chill one, I went to Scarborough State Park Beach. Took the camera again. Glutten for punishment. But I think I got some good pictures. There were a few surfers out. Brrr. Winter Temp waters. Very Brrr. Actually the waves were out in force. One right after another. It was nice. So here are a few of the pictures that I took. Hope you like them.
There is a surfer in this one. Didn't realize I got him.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Planning Continues along with some R&R for Eric.
The next night (Thursday) we drove to Atlantic Limousine to check out the cars. Nice, very nice. The limo was a Chrysler 300 C. Seats 10. Nice lighting. Mirror on the ceiling. And if we want....Champagne. The other was a stretch Chrysler 300 C. That is the one we use for after the ceremony. Just for Eric and I. I don't know what to do with the limo after the ceremony but I am sure we will figure something out. So we put a deposit down. Yeah. One thing down. Twelve million to go.
Friday night we didn't do anything. We sat at home. This was nice. Not having to rush anywhere. Just came home from work, cooked dinner and had a very quiet night at home. This is something that we don't get to do very much of. With Eric gone 21 days out of the month, the days that we don't have to do anything are the best days of the month.
On Saturday it was different. We went to the florist. Showed Eric the flowers that I wanted. He had given me a lovingly hard time about looking at the flowers but in the end he was happy. As much happiness a man can muster looking at flowers. He was a good sport about it. So we put a deposit down for the flowers.
The whole time we were at the florist, Eric was thinking "cake". So after going to the florist we headed over to the baker. We got our four sample cakes. Now the whole time Eric was away he thought that he would have all the cakes to ourselves. I kept on telling him that 6" cakes are a good size and that there was no way we were eating all that cake by ourselves. I invited a few friends over to help. At this point Eric was saying, "Every time I talk to you, your half of the cakes are getting smaller." I'm thinking to myself if he thinks that he can eat half of 4 six inch cakes I am going to have one sick Fiancee on my hands. But when he saw the size of the cakes he know there was no way he could do that. Not that he didn't want to try but being an adult, sometimes ;), he knows his limits. Back to the house to drop off the cakes and to wait for the next appointment. Keeley's the Katerer.
I really didn't want to go to Keeley's because I thought it wouldn't hold up to the standard that I was looking for. Boy, was I wrong. We got there around 4:00pm. One of the rooms was set up for a birthday. I was nice. I thought that there wasn't going to be any room for dancing (heard rumors). Wrong again. Both Eric and I agreed that it would be a nice place to have our reception. So we put a deposit down.
Thank God at my last workplace they had profit sharing. So when I left I received a pretty good amount to help put deposits down. If I didn't have that I would be Freaking out right now. But I am not. I refuse to be a Bridezilla. If it comes down to me becoming a bridezilla, someone slap me. But not to hard....don't like the stinging.
Now to the cake tasting....
- Cake #1 Strawberry w/strawberry cream filling and strawberry preserve filling. OMG. Way, Way to sweet. Insulin shock. Tester opinion's: Good for B-Day cake, but not wedding cake.
- Cake #2 Spice Cake w/ apple filling. Not so much.Tester opinion's: A tad on the dry side, but it was OK.
- Cake #3 Chocolate w/raspberry cream filling and raspberry preserve filling. Yummy. Tester opinion's: Now we are cooking. Good flavor. Best one yet.
- Cake #4 Irish Cream w/chocolate walnut filling. My favorite. Tester opinion's Very good, but Cake #3 wins overall.
But since no one's opinion counts but for mine and Eric's we like that Irish Cream. But the frosting was too sugary. Need to find out if other bakery's do cake testing. I know, I know, I have to fit into a wedding dress, but not until March. So, if I get all the tasting done before January when I start my diet, I'm good. That's the plan and I am sticking to it. If anyone out there know of some place/one that makes great wedding cakes let me know. I need all the help I can get.
Then on Sunday we took a little trip to Rockland to visit Eric's friends Andy and Kate. It was a very nice visit. Had food, drinks and laughter. What a way to spend a Sunday. Eric asked Andy to be his best man. Yeah, one down three more to go.
Since I already have asked my sister to be my maid of honor, my daughter Samantha to be co-maid of honor, Eric's sister Ann, my friend's Tracy and Alicia to be my bridemaids, Eric is a little behind. But I know he will catch up. It's not like it's a race to see who can find their attendents first. But if it was I WIN, I WIN. But it's not (bummer) so on we go to the next step.
What the next step is I really don't know. But finding cakes would be a good thing.
Until Then.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Wedding Plans begin.....
Eric is due home next Wednesday. Halloween. Hope no one mistakes the big orange truck as an oversize pumpkin and try to smash it....that would not be good. Be kinda hard to pick up never mind smash. Anyway.....ADD moment. And during that time we will be visiting a few places.
Last time Eric was home, we looked at Mariner's Church Banquet Center. Very nice place. Had a separate entrance for the bridal party. Not too big, not too small. Just right. That was until I talked to be banquet manager. He seemed to be a little distracted. Ok, he had a function that night but when we were there and just about everything was done. And he still was not focusing on us. Told him date of wedding 11/1/2008, he stated that he had it reserved for a client who always hold a huge Halloween party. But at the same time he also had the Friday night reserved for the same client and since Halloween was actually on that Friday night, he didn't think it would be a problem. He just needed to check with this client to find out which date he wanted and I was to give him a call toward the end of the next week.
Both Eric and I thought that it would be the prefect location for the reception. So, I waited until that Thursday and called the manager. Well, he said that he called the client. The client told him that he needed to talk with the band to find out which date they would be available next year. Then the manager told me that he would have an answer by the middle of the following week. So, once again I waited. I call the manager on Wednesday. He said that he hadn't heard from his client, that he would give him a call right now and give me a call back. That was 10 days ago and still haven't heard from him. Guess what? Not waiting any longer. Looking some where else, since the wedding is just 369 days away and the recommendation for booking a reception site is at least one year in advance. So freaking out a little bit. Really wanted Mariner's Church but not that bad, especially when I was blown off by the manager.
Now what to do? Didn't really want to do Keeley's but I called and got some information. Boy, was I surprised. For the same amount of money for a sit down dinner at the Mariner's, we get to have a great buffet and I think that is the way we are going. Just have to call and make appointment for Saturday. In between the flowers and the cake. Keeping fingers crossed.
Also on Saturday next week, Eric and I are going to look at the flowers that I had picked out this last summer. He is SO excited to be doing this. He can't wait. (If I was talking to you right now sarcasm would be screaming all over those last two sentences.) We are going to Sawyer and Co. on Congress St in Portland. Owner is Dan and he is the best. Sat with me for an hour and a half explaining things and actually listening to me. Great guy. Love him. He is taking the time to come in on his day off to sit with us for a few minutes to go over the flowers. Now THAT is a manager.
Then we are off to Cakes Extraordinaire. They are on Brighton Ave in Portland. (Free delivery to any location in Portland. Got to love that.) To pick up our sample cakes which I ordered today. I ordered 4 cakes to sample. #1 white strawberry with strawberry cream and strawberry preserve filling (Eric's). #2 chocolate with raspberry cream and raspberry preserve filling (mine). #3 Irish Cream Liquor with chocolate walnut filling (both). #4 Spice cake with apple filling (just because we could). Now Eric can't wait for this appointment. Quote, "Mmmmm free cake." Unquote. The way to my man's heart is through his stomach. Love him bunches.
Then we are off the check out the Limousine Service that I found on the internet. It's called Atlantic Limousine and Yacht Charter Services. They are located in Gorham/Westbrook area. Got a great deal from them. They offered the use of a 300 C Chrysler limo along with a 2007 Mercedes Benz for the price of the limo alone. My arm really hurts from patting myself on the back for this one. I rock. When we go there, putting deposit done and signing contract. That is what a good deal this is. I am brilliant.
The one thing that drew me to this company was the fact that they offer a program called Hugs for Rides. This is when a limo picks up someone who has cancer from the hospital and gives them a ride home. The cost: One hug. Now that is a company I want to support and so does Eric.
So far that is all right now. The only thing that we have to do is find someone available to help with the cake testing. Any volunteers?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Lastest Brain Dropping
Last night as I lay in bed I was thinking that I haven't up-dated the blog. What could I write about? Then it came to me. It was brilliant, the best idea that I have had in a long time. But I was just too tired to get up and write about it. Then I said to myself, "Self, why not do it when you get home from work tomorrow." Two brilliant ideas in one night, how can I stand myself. Sometimes I amaze myself.
Now you are asking, what was so brilliant that it would be a fine posting on my blog? Well let me tell you, I wish I knew. Yup, that is right the idea was so blindingly brilliant that I forgot what it was. I think it had something to do with the dog. But that is all I remember. Oh well, maybe next time I will get up in the middle of the night, run down to the computer and.........whom am I kidding, get up in the middle of the night; no way, not me. I happen to like sleep. Especially when it comes in rare form.
The last couple of nights, insomnia was my middle name. It was really bad the night the Red Sox won the AL Championship and off to the World Series. Maybe I was so excited and then maybe not. I had stayed up until the last out. Which was at midnight and then realizing that I was a bit tired but not all that much. The dog didn't help much. He hogged the bed. That's right my 7 pound, 20 inch little baby is a bed hog and I sleep in a Queen size bed. I tossed and then he would turn. Toss, turn. Toss turn. Like a scene from Swan Lake. Carefully choregraphed until that fateful last toss. I had taken the blanket (yes I was cold) and pulled them right out from under the dog. Off he flew to the other side and in mid air he twisted and landed on his feet. I thought only cats did that. But I guess when you are his size nothing is impossible. Sargeant the Amazing Flying Dog.
So last night was a good sleeping night. I think what helped is that I could talk to my honey right before I went to sleep and the fact that I could sleep flat for the first time in a week. I had my extra large fan on along with my desk fan. All that noise. White noise. Best noise you can have when getting only 10 hours of sleep in the last two days. I slept like a new born babe. I woke up feeling better. Until I went to work as one of my fine co-workers pointed out, "You look like I feel." Great I thought I was doing better. Maybe one more night of fans will get me looking a little more human in the morning. Besides, I have to rest up for the first game of the World Series. GO RED SOX.
I am a Red Sox fan. Always has been, always will be. I remember my dad watching the games on TV in the 1970's and sitting next to him trying to watch them too. When the Red Sox won the World Series in 2004. I had tears in my eyes. Not just because the "curse" was broken but because my dad was a true Red Sox Fan. I couldn't wait to call him that night but it was late and I didn't know if he had gone to bed yet. So the phone call had to wait until the next day. What a memory to carry with you for the rest of your life. Sharing something special with your dad. That was a good day.
Now do you think I could pass this baseball bonding with my daughter.....oh no. She was at one I can't say hurts too much.....a Yankees fan. There I said it...the pain is too much to bear. My own flesh and blood. TRAITOR. Of course this was due to a boy. Damn him. Now she says she doesn't even like baseball. Where, oh where, did I go wrong.
Actually, Samantha has her own interests. She likes music. She can play the Flute, Clarinet, Tenor sax and some piano. I don't know where she gets all her talent. No one in my family can carry a tune, not even in a paper bag. Good for her. Hopefully she will continue to play even though she is done with school.
It smells like my dinner is done. So I am off the eat. Have a great night.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I was having a hard time this week. It was because of my bi-yearly bout with the dreaded bronchitis.
Let us begin with last Friday. I had been having a bit of a sore throat the last few days, thinking nothing of it, I thought that it was just a little bug that I caught at work. Saturday I woke up feeling a like I ate a pair of my future sister-in-law's wool socks. Not good. So trying not to over do things, I pulled out my trusty LL Bean fleece bathrobe and snuggled in for the day. Now since I am all warm and toasty, it seemed like a good time to rest. I have been up for at least an hour and a half, I was thinking am I really tired? Yes, yes I was. So off to the couch. Let me say right from the beginning we have a leather couch. Which is very comfortable until you try to lay down on it in a fleece bathrobe. After slipping and slidding all over the couch, I finally can to a rest with my butt cheeks firmly wedged between two cushions. There, not moving now. All ready for my mid-morning nap until the dog decided that he wanted to play. Ok, so he is not a big huge St. Bernard or a black lab, but when you are not expecting a 7 pound Yorkie to jump on you, the wind does get knocked out of you for a bit. That is when I said, "NO, Sargeant not time to play." He looks at me with his ears down, big round brown eyes and a very sad face. Kinda like Puss-n-Boots in Shrek 2. I didn't know the dog saw that movie. So, I got up and play with the dog. GO ME. After about 5 hours of playing I am pooped. (Well in my altered state it seemed like 5 hours but I think it was actually 15 minutes.) That is when I started to cough. It was a tiny cough here and there so I wasn't too concerned until I get ready of bed that night.
Laying down on my side was not an option. There was no way on god's green earth that this woman was getting a good night sleep. So I realized that a mountain of pillows was going to be the only way that I was going to get any kind of sleep. Grabbing the future Mr.'s pillow (good thing he is on the road) which is much thicker than mine, I put his on the bottom as the base. Placing mine at a slight angle, I put my snuggle pillow on top of mine. Now this is a very careful procedure. Like brain surgery. One false move and it's all over. I slowly move toward the tower of leaning pillows and then plop myself right in the middle. Eric had gotten me a Schnieder National stuff truck with trailer. It is very soft and fits right under the back of my neck perfect. What a genuis! Now I can get some sleep......until 1am when I started to cough up what felt like a lung. But I knew that it wasn't and tried to get some more sleep.
After waking up at 5:30am on a Sunday no less, I knew it was time to make a trip to the local Witch Doctor. But not until I tried to get more sleep. I fell asleep for 2 more hours.
My Witch Doctor is closed on Sunday's (how rude) so I needed to fine a Sunday Witch Doctor. So I got dressed, put my blue Red Sox hat on (because I was wearing blue after all and my pink or green Red Sox hat would just clash) and headed to the Witch Doctor hospital's Quick Care. Hours of operation 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. But I was lucky because by the time I got dressed and flew my broom over it was 8:40. Good...will go inside and wait the 15 minutes until they open. Walk through the door one other person in line.....things are looking up. Second in line is a good thing at a walk-in clinic. Got through registration with the ease of a ballet dancer. Got called into the exam room, pulse was taken, normal. Breathing a little labored but not too bad. Blood pressure, up. Nurse looks at me and says "did you take any over the counter cold medicine last night?" As a matter of fact yes I did. Remembering the few percious hours of sleep that I had the night before. That was why my blood pressure was high. Not too high to have a stroke but high enough to lay off the juice for a few nights.
The Witch Doctor makes an appearance. Asked me my symptoms and then begins to say "I am reluctant to give someone any antibiotics who has been coughing less than 24 hours." "The CDC states that most bronchitis' are viral and antibiotics are not needed." Then I said " I want antibiotic's, I have bacterial bronchitis. I have been dealing with bronchitis for the last 17 years, I know when I need antibiotic's." If my Witch Doctor's office was open today you would have not seen me here and he would give my my pills. YOU NEED TO GIVE ME MY PILLS NOW!
Not only did I get my pills and some great do not cough pills, I got a pretty picture of my lungs. Being aware of your own body and being a little.....shall I say FIRM will get you either arrested or antibiotic's.
After being on the medication for the past 5 days I am slightly coughing with a little lung coming up and less color. When we get to no color that is when we know I am cured. Looking forward to that day soon.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
My family
My future husband is a long-haul truck driver. Something he has always wanted to do. Schneider National is the company that he drives for. He is gone for 3 weeks at a time. Thank God it's only for a year then he finds something so that he can be home more. Some of my friends would love for their significant others to go away for that long but believe me it is too long a time to be separated from him. No one to take the trash out, but you. No one to talk to except the dog and he really doesn't say to much. No one to make you feel better when you are sick. No one to whine to when you are sick. No one to reach the high places. I know you are thinking "why not get a chair?" I could do that, but when your honey is over 6 feet tall it's just easier to ask "honey,will you get that can of dog food?" Why did he put the dog food way up there I just don't know. Maybe just because he could. Of course, he has a blog also:
We have a Yorkshire Terrier. His names is Sargeant. Yorkies are a hunting breed. They were used to go into holes and kill rats. Yuck. So he is a small dog about 7 pounds and about 20 inches long. It was a beautiful fall day in Maine today. (Unfortunately I have a slight head cold and left work early today to rest up for tomorrow.) The dog wanted to go out. So I let him out to do his "business". We came in. I changed from work clothes to I feel like crap clothes and head back to my favorite chair. The dog had different plans. He was barking like a mad dog while he was looking out the slider window. What was he all excited about? A bird. One lone bird on the lawn.......tauting the dog in the house. Well will we stand for that? Let a Robin get the best of my wonderful smart dog? Nope. Slider opens, out goes dog almost catching Robin. Dog stops looking in the air for Robin. Slowly he turns, step by step, he sees more. With the wind blowing his golden locks back against his head, he is off like a bullet out of a gun. Gone. But alas, no birdy for doggy. But the yard is once again bird free. Until tomorrow.
No, dog does not have a blog. His long fur gets in the way of his typing.
My daughter Samantha know lives in California. She met a boy (Isn't that the way is always begins) who is from CA and decided to move out there to experience life. Good for her. Now she needs to come home....just kidding. She graduated in June. The picture is of her and Eric (future husband). Aren't they just adorable. Ok I just realized I am pooped. Need a brake. Starting to feel like crap again. Sorry Sam will write more about you when I feel better.