Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Christmas Cooking Begins!

So the slaving over a hot stove (oven) starts today. Today was experience day as well as candy making day. I have this recipe for Hermit Cookies. I used to help make these when I was doing work study in the Cafeteria at SMTC or as it is known now SMCC. The only problem with the recipe is that its measurements are in pounds and ounces while I need cups and teaspoons. I think I did a good job in converting (with a little help from Eric). Off to the grocery store to get the necessary ingredients for all my Christmas cooking.

The first thing I started with was the Hermits. After all was said and baked....they are good for only one thing.....door stops or off to work with these ones. I think I added too much flour. OK, I know I added too much flour. Next time, less is better. I know that they taste like flour, they weight about a ton a piece, still what do I do with them? Bring them to work. We are suppose to be having our Christmas potluck on Monday. I was wondering what to bring. Now I know. Everyone will be asking "who made these bricks?" With the look of an angel, I will shrug my shoulders and say "don't know". What a brillant plan. But in the end I will let someone know that I made them and my reputation as a good baker will be ruined. Good. That's my evil plan. No one will ever ask me to make anything again. (insert evil laugh).

After the sad attempt to make Hermits, it was off to something that I knew how to do. No, Ann not chocolate pie. I know, I know, life is cruel but be brave little one, things will get better. Buttercream candies was next on the list. I have been making these for years, first with my mom and brothers, then with Samantha, and last year it was with Samantha and Eric. Many, many years of experience in making these candies. I can make these with my eyes closed. Might be a tad messy since I have to dip them in melted chocolate but I think I could do it. Anyway, got the ingredients, mixed them together, melted the chocolate and dipped. Flavors this year are mint, strawberry and lemon. Yummy. They are all tucked away for now. To be distributed at a later date.

Off to bed. I have a mile long list of cookies to make. A tired baker/cook, is not a very nice person when she doesn't get at least 8 hours of sleep. Let's just hope that they don't plow again at 2:20 am like they did Friday. How did I know what time it was? I just wish the Guard Dog wasn't doing such a good job. Why couldn't he stay Like when we first got him.

What a Q-T pie!


Unknown said...

I bet that your house smells great. Love the smell of all good things being cooked for the holidays. I bet Sam's mouth is watering just thinking about your candies, and knowing the cookies you are making. Could feed those hermits to the birds and squirrels.
See you soon,

Army_Wifey08 said...