Saturday, January 26, 2008


Geez Louise. Every time Eric checks the "blogs" he says, "it would be great if yours had some new content." Well, here it is. Not only am I posting, I changed the template. I was really tired of the pink.

Eric has been home for a WHOLE week. Seven days in a row. Holy cow! The only draw back is that I had to work. It was great having him home. Sargeant was happy, the fish were happy and I was very, very happy. The only thing that was bad....I had started a diet about a week before he got home. With Eric being home I kind of lost track of the diet. I didn't do to bad but it wasn't easy. Especially when we went to eat out. He orders the best looking chocolate cake I have seen in a lonnnnng time. With TWO forks. It was absolutely, completely not on my diet.

Wiping the drool from the corner of my mouth, started to reach for "my" fork. That is when the "good Linda" appeared. You shouldn't eat that, you lost 3 pounds since last Friday. You will gain that weight back. The team is depending on you. At this point I should explain about the team. At my work there are a lot of co-workers who are using the gym next door and are their way to losing weight. The management decided that we should have our own "Biggest Loser" contest. With teams of four, we were all weighed and the team with the biggest percentage of weight loss wins a year membership at the gym (with a friend) or a $150 gift certificate to Dick's Sporting Goods each.

The "Bad Linda" pops up and says, "Eric is leaving soon, you'll have 3 weeks to lose the weight again before the next weight-in." Decisions, Decisions. What is a girl to do? WWSAD? Actually, I know what Sheepish Annie would do. Eat the damn cake and pay for it later. So I am paying for it. I worked out at the gym an extra 10 minutes this week and will work out another 15 minutes next week. Was it worth the extra pain and suffering that I would have to endure? HELL YEAH. It was a 4 layer of chocolaty goodness and half of it was mine. All mine to do with as I please. It was very good. Of course when I went to work the next day, I had to see how much that cake cost me. Only one, yes just one pound was gained back. I rock. Now, it will be all business. My goal is to lose 5 pounds in the next 3 weeks. Not a big goal but I believe it is an attainable goal.

Eric leaves tomorrow. Just as I was getting used to sharing the bed with him again, he's gone. He was gone for 40 days this last time out and that was 38 days too long if you ask me.

It is now time to say good night as it is almost 10 pm and Eric has to be up early to go to Rumford (make sure you say that in a Maine accent) for a load of paper to take to somewhere not in Maine.

Good night.


Unknown said...

Good luck with the diet. Maybe that will be enough to get me started again. It is so easy to put the pounds on. You will be the sexiest looking grandmother on the block.
Eric told us that Norman is going to do your cake. He does good work.
Love the new look for your "Blog".

Army_Wifey08 said...

"Rumfad" HAHA. AT least he's not going to be gone for 4 months...::pout:: and then 400 days...::bigger pout:: The things I do for this country...:shheeesh:: Talk to you on Weds! love ya!

Army_Wifey08 said...

i changed my blog address it's easier now...